
Contributions to Mutalyzer are very welcome! They can be feature requests, bug reports, bug fixes, unit tests, documentation updates, or anything els you may come up with.

Development of Mutalyzer happens on GitHub:

Coding style

In general, try to follow the PEP 8 guidelines for Python code and PEP 257 for docstrings.


As a developer, you probably want to install the Mutalyzer package in development mode. This will allow you to edit files directly in the source directory without having to reinstall.

Please refer to Installation for general installation instructions. For development mode installation, instead of using python install, use:

python develop

Creating a pull request

Contributions are most welcome as GitHub pull requests. If you’re familiar with the typical GitHub pull request workflow, you can skip this section.

New features are best implemented in their own branches, isolating the work from unrelated developments. In fact, it’s good practice to never work directly on the master branch but always in a separate branch. When your work is ready, a feature branch can be merged back into master via a pull request in GitHub.

Before starting your work, fork the Mutalyzer repository to your own namespace in GitHub and work from this fork. Before starting work on your feature, create a branch for it:

git clone<you>/mutalyzer.git
cd mutalyzer
git checkout -b your-feature

Commit changes on this branch. If you’re happy with it, push to GitHub:

git push origin your-feature -u

Now create a pull request to discuss the implementation with the Mutalyzer maintainers. This might involve adding additional commits which are included in the pull request by pushing your branch again:

git commit
git push

If the work is done, a maintainer can merge your branch and close the pull request. After the branch was merged you can safely delete it:

git branch -d your-feature