Usage ===== This package provides a :doc:`command line interface `. To run the Normalizer on a description variant: .. code-block:: console $ mutalyzer_normalizer "NG_012337.1(NM_003002.2):c.274G>T" Enable the file based cache --------------------------- Create a cache directory and a configuration file: .. code-block:: console $ mkdir cache $ echo MUTALYZER_CACHE_DIR = $(pwd)/cache > config.txt Setup the email address used to communicate with the NCBI: .. code-block:: console $ echo EMAIL = >> config.txt Optionally, setup the NCBI API key_: .. code-block:: console $ echo NCBI_API_KEY = your_NCBI_key >> config.txt Populate the cache: .. code-block:: console $ mutalyzer_retriever --id NC_000022.11 --parse --split --output cache Now the tool can be run with the cache: .. code-block:: console $ MUTALYZER_SETTINGS="$(pwd)/config.txt" mutalyzer_normalizer "NC_000022.11(NM_182984.5):c.95del" .. _key: